Nsekela meets with religious leaders during the launch of the Sadaka Account
By: Niels Malangalila | Blog | August 27, 2024 12:11

The Group CEO of CRDB Bank has met with religious leaders during the launch of the Sadaka Account, which is specifically designed for religious institutions to collect tithes, offerings, and other contributions. This initiative aims to make it easier for worshippers to give to God during services, even when they cannot attend.
At the event, hundreds of leaders and worshippers from various religions and denominations across the country praised CRDB Bank's innovation in creating the Sadaka Account, which will foster closer relationships between worshippers and their places of worship. Speaking about the Sadaka Account, the Deputy Secretary of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), Father Chesco Msaga, said it is a revolutionary idea that will help remind Christians to offer to their Creator to support the great work of spreading the Gospel in the country and globally.
“The life of a human being has no meaning in this world if he does not worship his Creator and offer tithes and offerings as commanded in the Holy Bible. I commend CRDB Bank for this innovation and urge Christians across the country to take advantage of this opportunity to give to the Lord more easily,” said Father Msaga.
The TEC Deputy Secretary further stated that opportunities brought about by the advancement of science and technology should be used by Christians to strengthen their closeness with God. Giving tithes, offerings, and other contributions are among the main ways to fulfill their covenant and spread the Holy Gospel.
Speaking on behalf of the Mufti and Chief Sheikh of Tanzania, Dr. Abubakary Zubery Bin Ally, Sheikh Hilal Shaweji, also known as Sheikh Kipozeo, also praised the innovation, saying it would greatly benefit Muslims in giving offerings, which is one of the important pillars of the Islamic faith.
“Muslims are commanded to give offerings and tithes. We are instructed to offer to help the needy and to promote Islam worldwide. The innovation made by CRDB Bank makes it easier for us to fulfill this important tenet of our faith. We should no longer have any reason to be distant from God,” said Sheikh Kipozeo.
CRDB Bank CEO Abdulmajid Nsekela said that they have always strived to design services and products that meet the needs and expectations of customers, covering various sectors, including culture and the beliefs of the people they serve.
“Holy Words say that man was created to glorify his Creator. This is our duty throughout our lives on this earth. In glorifying God, we are reminded to give tithes and offerings as well. The goal of CRDB Bank has always been to meet the expectations and needs of our customers and the community we serve. To achieve this, we have been designing services and accounts that align with the principles of faith, as well as other areas such as business, investment, and savings,” said Nsekela.
In these efforts, Nsekela said that CRDB Bank has already designed Al Barakah Services that align with the Islamic faith, but there is still an opportunity to serve more worshippers and religious institutions. That is why they have now introduced the Sadaka Account.
This move, he said, is due to the fact that the growth of the digital economy has significantly reduced the use of cash. Therefore, CRDB Bank has seen the importance of entering places of worship and providing worshippers with alternatives to give tithes, offerings, and pay various contributions that arise from time to time.
“Recognizing the importance and acknowledging our duty to the community and the Creator who continues to protect our business, our innovative CRDB Bank has come up with a new service, the Sadaka Account, which will benefit worshippers of all religions in the country. This account connects worshippers with their place of worship at any time,” he emphasized.
For a church or mosque with a Sadaka Account, it will be easier for worshippers to give their offerings, tithes, or pay other contributions from their personal accounts directly into the account of their place of worship without monthly fees or operational costs. They can confirm this by sending a receipt to the relevant leader.
Even those who have emergencies such as illness, travel, bereavement, or other social activities that, in one way or another, prevent them from attending services and giving time to communicate with God, although they planned to do so, can still give offerings, tithes, or relevant contributions without any worry.
“I would like to inform you that CRDB Bank today is launching the Sadaka Account, which is specifically for collecting all contributions to places of worship, that is, churches or mosques, thus ensuring the participation of every worshipper, whether they attend services or not. Worshippers can do this by visiting a branch, through an agent, or using our internet banking services or mobile banking via Simbanking,” said Nsekela.
The Group CEO urged Tanzanians to give to God without fail, as CRDB Bank has removed the previous difficulties.
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