KAVA Assurance


We are pleased to bring to you the enhanced KAVA Assurance proposition in partnership with Sanlam Life Insurance a life insurance cover with benefits of up to TZS 50 million to be paid to the Tanzanite account holder.

KAVA Assurance comes up with Different Benefits

  • Access to a lumpsum of Tzs 5,000,000/= for funeral arrangements upon untimely demise of the Tanzanite Account holder and /or spouse
  • Body repatriation of Tanzanite Account holder and spouse up to TZS 15,000,000/= which includes one free Airline return ticket for the escort.
  • Up to Tzs 5,000,000 for Accidental permanent and total disability for a Tanzanite Account holder with their spouses

Requirement for a Diaspora to enjoy KAVA Assurance
• Open a Tanzanite Account today to be among the beneficiaries
• Maintain active Tanzanite Account (whether individual or Joint)

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