
Your complaints

Maoni yako yanatusaidia kuboresha huduma kwako

Je, unaweza kutathmini vipi huduma za jumla za Benki ya CRDB?

Not satisfied at all Extremely satisfied

Je, ungependa kutupendekeza kwa marafiki na familia yako?

Not satisfied at all Extremely satisfied

Dear Our Esteemed Customer

CRDB Bank encourages you to report any misconduct or unethical behavior committed by its staff or parties who have relations to the bank or its subsidiaries. These misconduct or unethical behavior should be in relation to their work or have impact to their work. You are encourage to report here and the bank will act on the information accordingly. Such information includes but not limited to fraud, corruption, harassment, theft etc .

Feel free to whistle-blow through any of the two options below;

  1. Through a third-party platform operating independently from the Bank
  2. Directly contacting the bank through
    • Email: [email protected]
    • By filling the form below, You may provide your names and contacts, or decide to remain anonymous. Your information provided herein will be handled with strict confidentiality.

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