Asset and Project Financing


A Shariah Compliant Financing for acquiring assets/items to support existing or new business by purchasing the assets required by customer from agreed suppliers and sell the same to customer on profit using Murabaha Contract.

  •  Underlying Contract is Murabaha.
  •  Assets/items must be Shariah Compliant.
  •  Finance of movable or immovable Asset/items.
  •  Tenor:
    •  Up to seven (7) years for asset financing.
    •  Up to 10 years for project financing
    •  Up to 20 years for Mortgage
  •  Grace Period: up to 36 months for project financing and up to 12 months for Asset Financing depending on eligibility.
  •  Offered to legally existing business or new.
  •  Offered to individuals, sole proprietors, partnerships, trustees, companies etc.

 Shariah Compliant Financing.

 Opportunity to grow your asset

 Existence of registered business for not less than a year

 Supportive cashflow

 Adequate security coverage.

 Customer may be required to place 20% of purchase cost as commitment fund.

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